Sections and Committees

Get involved

BASF’s practice area sections help you make connections with other legal professionals, share expertise and improve the practice of law. Barristers sections and committees serve attorneys in their first ten years of practice. Join a committee to help define policy while working with others on issues that affect us all.

BASF Sections

BASF sections provide networking opportunities for legal professionals, continuing education and professional development.

BASF Committees

BASF committees offer excellent opportunities to work on extremely important issues such as equality, ethics and future legislation.

Barristers Sections

Offering networking, continuing education, and professional development, Barristers sections serve members in their first ten years of practice.

Barristers Committees

Barristers committees are focused on community service, networking, and professional growth.

To join a section or committee, please sign in to your account or complete a Sections and Committees application.

Interested in leadership opportunities with our BASF Sections and Committees? Email