Legal By The Bay

New Change to Civil Code Section 1954.53 Helps Physically Disabled Tenants Relocate To More Accessible Rental Units

At the end of 2023, the California Legislature passed AB 1620, which as of January 1, 2024, is codified in Civil Code Section 1954.53(a)(4).  This new law is a welcome amendment to the Costa-Hawkins Act and aims to alleviate a…

Should You Redesign or Refresh Your Law Firm Website?

Understanding the Difference Between a Website Redesign and Refresh Members of the San Francisco Bar Association may find themselves at a crossroads when considering whether to redesign or refresh their law firm’s website. Knowing the distinction between these two processes…

Outstanding Volunteers Recognized by the Justice & Diversity Center of the Bar Association of San Francisco

On April 30th, The Justice & Diversity Center (JDC) hosted its annual Outstanding Volunteers in Public Service Celebration at UC Law SF.  JDC volunteers and their supporters gathered to celebrate the amazing work of volunteers who provide pro bono legal…

July 1, 2024: Upcoming Deadline for Employers to Put in Place Workplace Violence Prevention Plans

Under SB 553, enacted in 2023, all California employers — with some limited exceptions — must have a workplace violence prevention plan in place by July 1, 2024. Cal/OSHA has issued FAQs and other information about workplace violence and has…