Joel Mark, Esq.
919 Box Canyon TrailPalm Desert, CA 92211-7434 Phone: (805) 701-7731 Alternate: (760) 200-4554 Fax: (760) 772-6665 Email: jmark4law@gmail.com Website: www.joelmarkesq.com
Specialty Areas
Attorney Fees, Law Firm Dissolutions, Law Practice/Attorney, Legal, Legal Ethics, Malpractice
Over 110+ engagements as an expert witness and consulting engagements in Attorneys’ Fees, Attorney Ethics and Legal Malpractice (litigation) matters.
AB, 1969; JD, 1972
A.B. History, U.C. Berkeley, 1969
J.D. Law, U.C. Hastings, 1972
Over 130+ Lectures & Publications on Attorneys’ Fees, Attorney Ethics & Legal Malpractice (Litigation).
Prior Expert Experience
110+ Engagements in Legal Fees, Legal Ethics, Attorney Malpractice and Law Firm Dissolution