Register of Experts

Loss Events

Showing 2 Provider(s) found in Loss Events

Glenn D. Peterson [ View Listing ]

Fire Protection Engineer

Oakland, CA

Specialty Areas

Construction, Construction Defect, Engineering Disciplines, Fire Protection, Fires, Loss Events


Fire cause, origin/spread; Building/fire code analysis; Fire protection system design, performance and failures; Fire hazards/burning characteristics of materials; Propane fires/explosions; Furnace/w....

Michael Pechner [ View Listing ]

President, Owner

Golden West Meteorology

Fairfield (Cordelia), CA

Specialty Areas

Climate Studies/Viticultural Appellations (AVA), Fires, Floods, Landslides, Loss Events, Meteorology/Climatology


Forensic expert for torts, depositions, courtroom testimony, site visits, weather analysis; WX related accidents; Climatic EIR; Official National Weather Service database. Current West Weather Produc....

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