JDC's Legal Advice and Referral Clinic in Bayview

The Legal Advice and Referral Clinic (LARC) is a way for people to find out whether they have a legal issue, get brief advice on issues, learn about the next steps, and get referrals to further help. 

For information in Chinese and Spanish, please refer to the flyers on this page. 如需中文和西班牙文的資訊,請參考本網頁上的傳單。Para obtener información en chino y español, consulte los folletos en la página.

Clinic Format and Location
The clinic is currently an in-person walk-in clinic at the Bayview Hunters Point YMCA, 1601 Lane St, San Francisco, CA 94124.

As its priority, the clinic is intended to address the legal needs of low-income individuals however all are welcomed. Businesses, nonprofit organizations, tenants associations, or similar groups are not eligible.

When: The clinic occurs on the fourth Friday of every month, from 3 - 6 pm. 

Areas of Law: The clinic provides consultations in the following areas of law:

  • Tax Law
  • Housing Law
  • Family Law
  • Immigration Law

PLEASE NOTE: Legal areas can shift due to attorney availability. Attorneys can also answer general legal questions that may not fall under the above categories. In general, the areas listed above are usually available at this clinic. If you ever have a question on if your legal issue can be addressed, please send a message to larc@sfbar.org.

If you ever have a question on if your legal issue can be addressed, please email the contact on the flyer. 

How it will work
Doors open at 3pm. After a brief intake interview conducted by one of our trained volunteers, you will receive a 15-20 minute consultation with an attorney about your legal options. If your case falls outside of the scope of our clinic subject areas, we will not provide a consultation on site but will refer you to the appropriate agency where you may receive legal assistance.

Upon request and based upon availability, an interpreter will be provided for your consultation. If you need an interpreter, please notify us at least one week before the Friday date for the clinic you plan to attend (See the Upcoming Clinic Dates). You can inform us by emailing larc@sfbar.org and providing the following:

  • Your name
  • Your telephone number
  • Your clinic dates
  • Your preferred language  

You may also want to consider asking a relative or friend to interpret for you during the consultation.   

Gather and organize, in date order, your documents related to your legal needs before your clinic dates. You may be asked to read from your papers. You may be asked to provide them.